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Iconostasis and sanctuary


The church is a converted single-storey cottage. It is furnished in traditional style, with no pews (though with seats around the edge for those who need them). We use the New Calendar, which corresponds to the everyday calendar in general use. During services, only candles are used for lighting. The music is unaccompanied harmony singing, following the Russian tradition. The services are mostly in English, with occasional items in Slavonic.

The iconostasis and sanctuary



Archpriest Alexander Williams
Father Alexander is our retired priest. Together with his wife, he founded the church (which opened in 1996) by completely refurbishing a traditional Scottish cottage to make a rustic-style Orthodox church, situated across the road from his home.

Father Alexander

Non-liturgical activities

Most years, we organise a coffee morning in Dunblane, where members of the community organise stalls such as: home baking, bric-a-brac, genuine borshch soup, second-hand books, crafts and gifts, and icons.

Church dedication

The church is dedicated to St Nicholas of Myra (270-342), and also honours St Blane, the sixth-century Celtic saint who founded a monastery where Dunblane Cathedral now lies.

icon stall at coffee morning


Church of St Nicholas and St Blane, Laighill Loan, Dunblane FK15 0BJ

Services mainly in English

The icon stall at a coffee morning

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